Greeting Church family.
Happy Fall! For many, Fall is a favorite season. The air is crisp, leaves turn yellow, and the morning dew is felt throughout the day. Don’t forget to get your sweaters and Jackets out!
Pastor’s Corner:
The month of October pastor Garcia will be preaching through the small book of Micah. Do you remember that book? Well, yes, it is small, but packed with some great stories that point us to the coming King. Go ahead, start reading Micah. You will be blessed.
Mark your calendars for Sunday, October 29 from 4-7PM. Our church will be having a Fall festival with a veggie hamburger BBQ and a Corn roast! We will also have some bags out for our approximately 10 students who are away at school. Bring a gift card, candy, or anything else. Let’s show our students how much we love them and miss them. Please bring your friends.
October 31; We will have our corn roast for the community children. Come be a part of this. Lets get kids off the streets and into our parking lot. We can give them candy, corn and glow tracks without exposing them to the enemy of Halloween. Can’t make it out? Please help with a bag a candy or two.
NEWS For you:
Coming soon: A ministry to help prevent falls for the elderly. Be watching out for this important ministry happening right here on our campus. Tell a friend.
Did you miss a sermon? Visit our YouTube Chanell by clicking this link.
1st Sabbath of the Month Potluck
October 7 from ~ 12:30 PM In Church Multipurpose Room & Lawn Area.
Come Join the Fellowship & Fun! Also Celebrating Baby Dedication.
Please Bring Picnic Type Foods: Chips & Dips, Desserts, Fruit, Finger Foods, Sandwiches, Salads!
Please Note: Unable to cook or warm food
Free Blood Pressures Readings Provided by Health Ministries
Ruth & Tino, Hosts Questions? Call Linda Bailey 805-478-8877
Month of October at a glance
October 7: Pastor Garcia begins a walk thru the book of Micah
October 14: Sermon: Pastor Garcia
October 21: Sermon: Missionaries from Africa
October 28: Sermon: Pastor Garcia
October 29: Church Fall Festival (Sunday) 4-7PM
October 31: Corn roast for community children 5-8PM
Prayer corner:
Church family children away at school
Peggy White - Home Bound
Peggy - Cancer
Jonathan - healing
Edith - Retired school teacher cancer
Helen - Physical therapy
Shirley & Wayne - Healing
Diane's sisters - Healing
Nancy - Healing to relieve pain
Charlie's eye - Healing
Sam & Cora - Healing in Philippines
Connie - Healing
Arli - Healing
Oh family- Mission field
Linda H -Mission life in Africa
Church Outreach mission Santa Maria
We are grateful:
Marissa S. - Has a job in Florida
Michael - House bills
LeRoy & Jackie - Feeling better
Eva- Feeling better
VVCA Spotlight
Save the Date: Sunday, October 22 from 1PM to 3 PM
It’s Valley View Adventist School’s Fall Festival!
Come and bring your friends for Family Fun with lots of games, delicious food and drinks, and wonderful ways to celebrate the season.
Tickets are $1each and are good for games or food.
Saver Deal: Buy 25 tickets for only $20.
Buy tickets early at the school office or at the gym door.
Cash preferred (It makes the line go faster 😉)
See you there!