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Writer's pictureChris Silva

Serving Others

4/18/24 Newsletter

Serving Other

In the gospel of Luke, Jesus says “I am among you as one who serves” (Luke 22:27, NIV). Jesus was intentional when describing His life and ministry in terms of ways in which He is personally involved. In the gospels, Jesus refers himself as a servant. Serving has always been a catalyst for self-improvement. It brings hope to others and builds communities. It also makes people feel worthy.Serving others is the best way to take our eyes off ourselves. In serving, many of our worries fade and they bring smiles to those who receive from us. That is why Jesus said, “it is better to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).


Pastor's Corner

Our Church will be serving the community once again through medical services. On May 5, 2024, the Santa Maria SDA Church, will be serving the community with dental services and other medical services for most of the day. The opportunity is golden! It’s an opportunity for many of us to serve. It’s also an opportunity to invite a friend, or a relative to receive dental and other services.

Don’t delay. Invite a friend or sigh up to serve!


Vespers Concert

Please join us for a vespers concert on Friday, April 19, at 6:30 PM



Its right around the corner. Coming June 10-14; 5-7:30 PM

We want to reach as many children in our community with VBS (vacation Bible School). Our neighborhood is surrounded with children. And we want them to know that Jesus loves them. Please mark this event in your calendar. Invite a child or bring one to our church campus.

There will singing, playing crafts and more.

Please Contact the church office if you would like to help.


Join us for Prayer Meeting on Wednesday nights at 7:00PM

Join us every Wednesday evening via the “Zoom app

On your computer or smartphone join here: Join here:

Don’t have a smartphone? Call 669 219 2599. Then, enter Meeting ID: 927 6119 4335#


Soquel Camp Meeting is coming: July 11-20, 2024.

Registration will be announced this month. Here are some of the speakers for this year


Youth Rush is coming to Santa Marial

Every year the CCC recruits young people to engage in an intensive ministry program where young people go from door to door selling books and giving away free literature to help families with some of the challenges life has to offer. They spend time in the Central Valley, Bay Area, and Central Coast. During the months of June and July, they will be sharing here in Santa Maria. Please pray for the families of Santa Maria. They will plan to knock on over 1000 doors.


 Last Sabbath

If you missed last sabbath’s message, click on the link below to watch via our YouTube Channel.



Giving is easier than ever. You can donate to your favorite ministry or pay tithe by using the Adventist Giving. You can click this link or use your cellphone to scan the QR code below.


The church in action:

March 30; Pastor Garcia

April 6; Robert Evans

April 13; Pastor Garcia



Prayer corner


  • Eva

  • Justa Marzo

  • Helen Parker

  • Jacquie Jones

  • Carol L. relatives


  • Randal Goodman

  • Pastor Han

  • Pastor Garcia


  • Life Hope Clinic

  • VBS


VVAS Spotlight

Do you love children? Do you have a few hours during the week to give to our school? If so, our teachers are requesting help from supervising during recess and helping out in the classrooms a few hours in the mornings.

If you are interested, please call the school at (805) 489-2687. Thank you for your support.


Click to see church calendar

or scan the QR code with your mobile device


Those who follow Christ the most closely have not been gloomy. In Christ is light and peace and joy forevermore. We need more Christ and less worldliness, more Christ and less selfishness.

AH. P.431 

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