3/13/24 Newsletter
Spring is in the air. Rain has visited us a bit more than usual this year. Yet, it’s difficult to complain about the beautiful green hills and the wonderful rainbows that some rainy days brought to us. Flowers are blossoming everywhere we look. Don’t look too far, God's love is in nature.
Pastor's Corner
Revelation is a book that intrigues everyone. In our series of “Unveiling Prophecy,” we encourage you to take your Bible and start reading the first 4 chapters of Revelation. We are taking small steps in each chapter to capture the beautiful insight of what John was told to write to the modern church.
Coming to our Area 4, March 16, 2024
Arroyo Grande SDA ChurchArea Training Seminars 2024: Winning Souls
Join us in spreading the Adventist message across Central California and to the world.
Join us for Prayer Meeting on Wednesday nights at 7:00PM
Join us every Wednesday evening via the “Zoom app
On your computer or smartphone join here: Join here: Zoom LinkDon’t have a smartphone? Call 669 219 2599.Then, enter Meeting ID: 927 6119 4335#
Soquel Camp Meeting is coming: July 11-20, 2024
Registration will be announced this month. Here are some of the speakers for this year:
Youth Rush is Coming to Santa Maria
Every year the CCC recruit young people to engage in an intensive ministry program where young people go from door to door selling books and giving away free literature to help families with some of the challenges life has to offer. They spend time in the Central Valley, Bay Area, and Central Coast. During the months of June and July, they will be sharing in Santa Maria. Please pray for the families of Santa Maria. They will plan to knock on over 1000 doors.
Last Sabbath's Message on Youtube
If you missed last sabbath’s message, click on the link below to watch via our YouTube Chanel.
Gving is easier than ever. You can donate to your favorite ministry or pay tithe by using the Adventist Giving. Here is the QR code that takes you to the app on your cellphone.
Scan QR code or
The church in action:
March 16; Arise and Go- Eddy Perez
March 23; Randall Goodman
March 30; Pastor Garcia
Prayer corner:
For healing
Peggy W
Shirley and Wayne
Helen Parker
Eva Avelino
Students away from home.
At home Students
Oh family
VVAS Spotlight
Do you love children? Do you have a few hours during the week to give to our school? If so, our teachers are requesting help from supervising during recess and helping out in the classrooms a few hours in the mornings. If you are interested, please call the school at (805) 489-2687. Thank you for your support.
or scan the QR code
Those who follow Christ the most closely have not been gloomy. In Christ is light and peace and joy forevermore. We need more Christ and less worldliness, more Christ and less selfishness.
AH. P.431